
Massage therapist ousts muscle tension with massage, exfoliating salt glow, soothing hot stones, and hot-towel and aromatherapy treatments

Spa services include facials, body wraps, mani-pedis, and waxing

Licensed massage therapist who's worked with Minnesota Vikings players and other professional athletes uses intense pressure to relieve pain

Swedish massage techniques subdue stress and ease aching muscles

A massage therapist draws techniques from several modalities to restore body tissues and maximize their functionality

Long, fluid strokes and light-to-medium pressure loosen tense muscles and reduce tension and spasms

Swedish massage gently assuages tension and promotes circulation; during ashiatsu, the therapist's feet perform deep-tissue techniques

Massage therapist relaxes muscles, relieves tension, and stimulates circulation with gentle pressure and smooth, gliding strokes

Licensed therapist addresses an array of ailments with massage modalities that range from light Swedish strokes to more intense techniques

Versatile therapists assuage tension with a focused scalp massage, full-body treatment with a complexion-cleansing facial, or massage