Medical Spas

Blend of salicylic acid, witch hazel, and camphor targets acne bacteria while soothing irritated skin

Intense pulsed light from a Lumenis Quantum IPL treatment erases skin spots caused by sun damage

Noninvasive 40-minute treatments work to contour the body and trim inches with laser light

Seasoned aestheticians clear away dull layers of skin with dermaplaning or a chemical peel, then hydrate the face with a facial

Mineral-soaked bandages swaddle physiques for 45–60 minutes in a candlelit room to tighten skin, coax out toxins, and boost circulation

Sciton Profile lasers disable growth of unwanted facial or body hair with beams of energy during eight 15- to 25-minute sessions

Certified laser technicians remove body hair with Cutera CoolGlide laser technology

Medically trained aestheticians gussy up faces with a Clarisonic cleansing, exfoliation, steam, and skin mask

A Soprano XL laser targets unwanted hair follicles in one 15- to 60-minute treatment per month for six months

Laser energy helps erase irksome squiggles from the face or legs while sparing surrounding areas during 15- to 30-minute sessions