Movie Theaters

Nearly century-old movie house treats cineastes to cult classic movie performance featuring live cast every second Friday of the month

High-quality digital projections & sounds entertain patrons as they munch popcorn at nine theaters

Hollywood's latest summer blockbusters spill onto silver screen at two theaters, and special engagements of musical films project in HD.

Hollywood's latest summer blockbusters spill onto silver screen at two theaters, and special engagements of musical films project in HD.

Hollywood's latest summer blockbusters spill onto silver screen at two theaters, and special engagements of musical films project in HD.

Theaters equipped with high-backed stadium seating, digital sound & RealD 3-D transport viewers into current releases with the aid of snacks

Stadium seats face large-format screens that flash first-run blockbusters in 3-D and local flicks on 35 mm film.

Extra-wide leather seats & drink enhance the experience of watching current blockbusters on enormous super-HD screens

Extra-wide leather seats & drink enhance the experience of watching current blockbusters on enormous super-HD screens

Eva Mendes stars as mom struggling to navigate adulthood as her daughter attempts to jump-start her own grownup life