Nail Salon

Thirty-minute manicure coats nails in Shellac or Gelish polish that last up to two weeks & then gets professionally removed in 10 minutes

European licensed beauticians pamper fingers and toes with a file, trim, and polish as clients lounge in comfy pedicure chairs.

Staff hydrates hands with organic lotion and soaks feet with fresh fruit, adding a soothing massage. Custom-sculpted nails require no glue.

Hypoallergenic eyelash extensions are customized by length, color, texture, and curvature and last up to six weeks.

Nail tech uses natural, chemical-free products to treat digits to 90-minute mani-pedi that ends with a gift bag to help maintain salon look

Experienced permanent-makeup artist enhances eyes, lips, or eyebrows according to customer desires & photos brought from home

Candy-colored nail salon with plasma-screen TVs helps clients to relax with no-chip manicures or one-hour mani-pedis

30- to 90-minute manicures & pedicures soothe & refresh with scented scrub, paraffin wax, hot towels, massage & long-lasting Shellac polish

In one-hour appointments, staffers coat fingertips with standard polishes or no-chip gel polishes

Mani-pedis spruce up nails with Shellac, Minx, OPI gel, or magnet polish, and a trio of waxes plucks fuzz from eyebrows, lips, or chin