Private Tutors

A thorough academic evaluation pinpoints the subject areas that tutors will focus on during individualized tutoring sessions

A thorough academic evaluation pinpoints the subject areas that tutors will focus on during individualized tutoring sessions

A thorough academic evaluation pinpoints the subject areas that tutors will focus on during individualized tutoring sessions

A thorough academic evaluation pinpoints the subject areas that tutors will focus on during individualized tutoring sessions

Personal, detailed help with test prep, math, writing, or reading during tutoring sessions

Tutors teach reading, writing, and math using a trademarked approach during private sessions

During one-hour sessions, tutors from local universities aid K–12 through college-age students with core subjects and test prep

International tutoring center offers one-on-one instruction in all disciplines for students ranging from pre-K to 12th grade

A comprehensive, three-stage process includes a sensory motor assessment, an academic assessment, and a report and meeting with parents

A comprehensive, three-stage process includes a sensory motor assessment, an academic assessment, and a report and meeting with parents