Rock Climbing
All-day access & full suite of equipment support climbers across indoor cave with 40-ft. roof & 45-degree bouldering wall
Gyms with 9,000+ sq. ft. of textured walls, 35+ rope stations & 100+ tagged bouldering routes provide gear rental & unlimited climbing
Climbers & boulderers scale 55 ft. above ground on 2,520 sq. ft. of walls with handholds changed monthly to maintain difficulty
Climbers & boulderers scale 55 ft. above ground on 2,520 sq. ft. of walls with handholds changed monthly to maintain difficulty
Climbers clamber across more than 14,000 square feet of indoor climbing and bouldering walls
After one-hour climbing lessons, students set off to tackle 60 climbing routes, 160-foot bouldering trail & climbing cave with skylight
Partners belay one another during introductory courses & veteran climbers take to one of 16 ropes or bouldering cave unassisted
6,400-square-foot space houses three climbing courses including unharnessed bouldering course, top-rope wall & inverted lead cave
Staff belayers & provided harness keep sampling climbers safe & secure on more than 125 top-rope routes, lead climbs & bouldering problems
Experienced mountaineers teach climbing & rope techniques to students before embarking climbs up Flatirons or Clear Creek Canyon