
Instructors introduce basics of skydiving on ground & accompany students in Pilatus Porter plane for plunge & parachute ride to ground

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country

Adrenaline can numb people to pain, give them the strength to lift cars, and help them cope with the pain of watching someone run away holdi

One of the largest adventure-sports providers in the United States connects thrill seekers with certified instructors across the country