Walking Tours

Costumed historical interpreters lead a trek through Boston's colonial era; night tours set out with lanterns to discuss the paranormal

A published guide leads the way through Buffalo, telling well-researched tales about gangster hideouts and FBI operations

Ride through DC’s historic neighborhoods, past iconic monuments & memorials during guided bus tours with stops held during day or night

Organizers send scavenger-hunt clues by smartphone; top-scoring team takes home $250

A health coach helps patrons navigate lululemon boutique, Karyn’s Raw, and other wellness-oriented haunts or gives tips for healthy living

As a boat drifts through protected swampland, tourists catch glimpses of friendly gators and learn facts about wetlands and Cajun culture

Costumed historical interpreters lead a trek through Boston's colonial era; night tours set out with lanterns to discuss the paranormal

Ninety-minute tour led by ghost hunters through haunted pubs in Pioneer Square tells stories of sex scandals, murders, and apparitions

Guests sip wine at barbecue dinner and learn about the Civil War before touring 12,000-square-foot historic Landon House Mansion

Guests sip wine at barbecue dinner and learn about the Civil War before touring 12,000-square-foot historic Landon House Mansion