Weight Loss Centers
Glycolic- and salicylic-acid peels exfoliate faces, working to boost collagen production, reduce surface oils, and reveal smoother skin
Physicians tailor a weight-loss plan that includes an initial consultation, a body-composition analysis, and a 1-month supply of supplements
Doctors combine custom diet and metabolism-boosting shots to help clients lose unhealthy weight and retain muscle
Physicians tailor a weight-loss plan that includes an initial consultation, a body-composition analysis, and a one-month supply of supplemen
Noninvasive treatments melt fat and tighten skin with ultrasonic and radio-frequency energy
Noninvasive treatments break down fat cells and cellulite on single bodily area without surgery or anesthesia
Experienced staff wields cold-laser technology to liquefy fat cells in non-invasive treatment followed by whole-body vibration therapy
Technicians eradicate unwanted hair with a Harmony XL laser during a series of treatments on your choice of dozens of areas
Brown spots, broken capillaries, and other forms of skin discoloration fade under broadband light emitted from Alma Harmony XL lasers
During one-hour spa sessions, Thermojet Plus infrared wraps work to reduce waistline inches as cucumber treatments refresh eyes