Weight Loss Centers

Registered nurse administers weekly vitamin-rich injections to help support weight loss; four-week program is customized by a physician

An Alma Harmony XL laser halts the growth of unwanted hair in a series of virtually pain-free treatments

Noninvasive FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from the waistline, hips, and thighs with little downtime

Trained staff help clients shed pounds with consultation and analysis, and supply patrons with four weeks of vitamins and four B12 shots

Trained staff help clients shed pounds with consultation and analysis, and supply patrons with four weeks of vitamins and four B12 shots

FDA-approved procedure focuses thermal energy on flabby and wrinkled areas, contouring the body and face without surgery

Trained staff help clients shed pounds with consultation and analysis, and supply patrons with four weeks of vitamins and four B12 shots

FDA-approved serum irons out frown lines by blocking nerve impulses to the muscles that cause them

Physicians tailor a weight-loss plan that includes an initial consultation, a body-composition analysis, and a 1-month supply of supplements

Noninvasive LipoLaser technology uses low-level cold lasers to spot-reduce fat and trim inches with no downtime.