Weight Loss Centers
Holistically focused weight-loss & wellness program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking & natural supplements
Holistically focused weight-loss & wellness program with personal coaching, meal plans, caloric tracking & natural supplements
Therapists apply electro pads to hard-to-tone areas & wrap clients in thermotherapy cocoons to aid fat loss & potentially reduce cellulite
A certified colon hydrotherapist uses filtered water to gently flush toxins from the body, resulting in improved digestion and weight loss.
Dietitian Jennifer Barr measures clients' body fat & metabolic rates to draft personalized dietary plan for better health & weight-loss
Dietitian Jennifer Barr measures clients' body fat & metabolic rates to draft personalized dietary plan for better health & weight-loss
Dietitian Jennifer Barr measures clients' body fat & metabolic rates to draft personalized dietary plan for better health & weight-loss
Infrared heat helps break up fat & flush it from bodies after massage bed remedies muscle tension with heated jade rollers & acupressure
Noninvasive FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from waistline, hips & thighs with little downtime
Infrared energy burns up to 1,400 calories and aids natural detox while warming pads ensconce thighs, hips, abdomen, and arms over clothes