Mud Factor Deals

Runners face a 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face a 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face a 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits, and dirt paths before celebrating with medals and beer

Runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits & dirt paths before celebrating with medals & beer

Wearing Mud Factor shirts & bandanas, runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits & dirt paths before celebrating with medals & beer

Wearing Mud Factor shirts & bandanas, runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits & dirt paths before celebrating with medals & beer