Northshore Medical Center Deals

Lyra Nd:YAG laser zaps away varicose and spider veins to leave legs clear and smooth in several treatments that each last up to two hours

Physician-guided laser techs eradicate unwanted hair from one of 13 areas in 15- to 60-minute sessions

A photofacial and fractional facial target and relieve pigmentation issues related to aging and sun damage

Board-certified surgeon uses laser to smooth skin and reduce excess fat during noninvasive procedure

Board-certified surgeon offers injections that evaporate frown lines, crow’s feet, and mouth wrinkles for up to four months

Laser-wielding technician administers noninvasive treatment, destroying living fungus nestled in and under toenails

Lasers heat spider or varicose veins until vessels collapse & naturally dissolve into the body with minimal redness or bruising.

Ultrasonic waves liquefy fat cells & diminish appearance of cellulite in areas such as abdomen & thighs

Minimally invasive ProLipo Plus laser helps liquefy fat cells, which experienced technicians remove with two-millimeter-wide cannulas

Medically supervised staff aims focused laser beams at unwanted hair in 15- to 60-minute treatments that require no downtime