Abilene, TX Deals
A one-year subscription keeps readers up to date on celebrity gossip, new music and movies, or men’s lifestyle trends and tips
Pocket-size pedometer records distance, strides, and calories burned; features include 7-day memory and target goal settings.
Vegan-friendly gluten-free roasted-seaweed snack that's virtually fat-free, packed with nutrients, and available in five different flavors
Ceramic bookends sculpted to form an elephant, feist, or bulldog; available in four pastel hues
Bold statement pieces sparkle with black diamonds that range from 0.015 to 0.5 carats
An oximeter with a carrying case and elastic cord measures your oxygen level and pulse rate at the touch of a finger
Snap photos with ease using the cameras’ 3-inch screens and 3x, 4x, or 5x optical zoom; upload quickly to favorite social-media sites
Easy-to-use gadgets create freshly shaved snow cones or ice pops in minutes
A contemporary glass and rhinestone-embellished scale displays weight on a large LCD display; the auto-off function conserves battery power
Personal recordings and MP3s blast from speakers as a roll-away alarm clock coaxes snooze addicts out of bed