Abilene, TX - Education Deals

Children's building sets with durable plastic pieces snap together, encouraging creativity and enhancing fine motor skills

Interactive program engages learners with speech recognition, an online community, and live tutored sessions

Online photography classes meet for four weeks and include videos, worksheets, and instructor feedback.

12 months of access to a self-guided app design course compiled by No. 1 app designer Chris Stevens with 50+ hours of learning material

12 months unlimited access to 37 online web-design courses ranging from PHP to HTML5 and Photoshop to Flash with step-by-step instruction

Rewatchable online classes led by skilled crafter break down basics of photo editing or Photoshop into detailed lessons

Children's building sets with durable plastic pieces snap together, encouraging creativity and enhancing fine motor skills

Brew flavorful teas and chill them in the same pitcher; includes pack of six flavors

Interactive lessons in Italian or French engage learners with speech-recognition, an online community, and live tutored sessions

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance