Albany / Capital Region - Shopping Deals

Pearl stud earrings in five color choices with pouch, shipping, certificate of authenticity & three $50 vouchers for future purchases

Printers emblazon pages of leather photo book with uploaded images & customize them with themes such as special occasion, holiday & vacation

3X optical-zoom lens captures 12.2-megapixel images, displayed on 2.7-inch LCD screen & safeguarded in 2GB internal memory

Well-appointed & accessorized Droid smartphones connect Verizon Wireless users to Internet to share photos, send messages & play games

Image experts touch up photos before transferring them to wrapped, textured artist-canvas prints

Easy-to-use online system allows guests to create custom ornaments using full-color personal pictures & text

Holiday-inspired CD collection featuring Christmas classics & originals works to improve kids’ motor skills & speech

Accessorized Droid smartphones connect Verizon Wireless users to Internet to share photos, send messages & play games

Comfy hot pants in sizes S–XL boast slimming technology that works while active or asleep & helps drop up to 2 dress sizes in 2 weeks

Heavyweight, silk-finished cards display professional designs, fonts, holiday themes & customer-uploaded photos