Albuquerque - Acupuncture Deals
Up to 63% Off Acupuncture or Weight-Loss Program
One or Three Acupuncture Sessions or a Nine-Week Weight-Loss Program at Desert Health Acupuncture Clinic (Up to 63% Off)
24 Mar, 2012 at 06:00 AM

Certified doctors assuage numerous maladies with disposable thin needles & guide clients through online weight-loss program
65% Off Acupuncture and a Tui Na Treatment
$35 for Acupuncture and a Tui Na Massage Treatment from Matthew Sanchez, DOM ($100 value)
02 Nov, 2011 at 06:01 AM

Doctor of oriental medicine uses traditional acupuncture & tui na massage techniques to enhance patient health
59% Off at Desert Health Acupuncture Clinic
$35 for a One-Hour Acupuncture Session at Desert Health Acupuncture Clinic ($85 Value)
04 Sep, 2011 at 06:01 AM

Ancient Chinese technique ; Certified acupuncturists ; 15-minute consultation ; Can treat pain & many ailments ;