Albuquerque - Arts and Entertainment Deals

33 km. of wide, well-maintained trails delight skiers as they glide through pristine wilderness on rented gear with optional lesson

Contemporary, innovative art museum offers exhibits, programs & events for members

More than 125 holiday-minded artisans & exhibitors hawk handmade local & native crafts, food samples & live entertainment

Equine experts host all-ages cookouts with ranch activities & horseback riding, as well as helm rides through scenic Piedra Lisa Trail

Hundreds of enriching toys & engaging activities entertain kids aged 9 or younger during three hours of play

Two Rock & Roll Hall of Fame acts jostle audiences in jaunty night full of southern-fried hits

Master dancers lead solo or coupled students in fox-trotting, waltzing & swing dancing inside spacious studio

Famous singer leads star-studded tour in evening filled with R & B, rap & dance

Championship bout ; Matches for 3rd & 1st place; On-site bar & games for kids; Youngsters 12 & younger free;

Certified PADI instructors; All equipment included; Scuba demonstration ;