Albuquerque - Eyelash Services Deals

Stylists bulk up native locks with durable clip-in extensions or microbeaded, 100 percent human hair that's devoid of tangles

Relaxing 60-minute facials cleanse and rejuvenate skin; scalp and hand massages are included

Hydrating, breakout, or wrinkle-reducing facials include a pressure-point massage, scalp massage, and two masks.

Specialists apply natural-looking black lashes or colorful rainbow extensions that last for four to eight weeks

Eyelash-extension experts individually apply 20 thick lashes to each eye so clients can enjoy beautified eye fringe for two to three weeks

Eyelash-extension experts individually apply 20 thick lashes to each eye so clients can enjoy beautified eye fringe for two to three weeks

Highly trained stylists; Trendy feather extensions; Wide variety of colors & lengths; Last up to six weeks;