Albuquerque - Medical Spas Deals

Laser light heats up hair follicles to hinder their growth across six treatments

Technician uses noninvasive system to freeze fat cells, which liquefy and naturally exit the body over the next 8–12 weeks

Certified technician targets nail fungus on one or both feet with effective, noninvasive laser technology

Skin specialists guide handheld rollers over dimpled skin to reduce appearance of cellulite & prompt detoxification

Physician-directed med spa's RevLite tattoo-removal equipment efficiently breaks down unwanted ink in 30- to 45-minute treatments

Custom treatment plans guide noninvasive lasers that target thousands of facial zones to fight sun damage, wrinkles & acne scars

Under guidance of board-certified Dr. Bair, clinicians subdue wrinkles & frown lines in brows, eye region & forehead with FDA-approved Botox

Technicians resurface skin with gentle ultrasonic facials or reduce circumference & cellulite with nonablative, FDA-cleared VelaShape

Pelt pros swaddle bodies in detoxifying seaweed, algae, mud, or clay before infrared waves raise core temperature to induce healthy sweat

Technician employs noninvasive system that freezes fat cells, which turn into liquid & evacuate body naturally over two to three months