All - Alternative Medicine Practitioners Deals

Experienced practitioners enlist neurological and orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches

Acupressure-based massage augments chi; optional facial cleanses complexions with G.M. Collin products

Inside private treatment room, certified hydrotherapists use UV-sterilized water to help clear the digestive tract of impacted waste

Certified Clinical Hypnotist helps patients relieve chronic pain, experience past life regression, or stop smoking during 60-minute sessions

Needles influence energy channels underneath the skin during acupuncture sessions designed to induce contentment

Licensed massage therapists ply tissues with specialized kneads during individual or couples massage

Licensed massage therapist Evan Turnau kneads away aches and stress with integrated massage approach in a holistic healing center

Well-being classes include gentle lunchtime yoga and beginner meditation; reiki sessions optimize the body's energy pathways

Vitamin B12 injections help boost energy and jump-start metabolisms

Experienced practitioners enlist neurological and orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches