All - Alternative Medicine Practitioners Deals

I-ACT-certified therapist Jennifer Kinjo conducts detoxifying colonic treatments with Dotolo Toxygen closed system

Vibrating platform causes muscles to contract for increased tone, flexibility & circulation during short, 10-minute session

Using BioEnergetic software an experienced doctor reads body-energy fluctuations to uncover allergies, sensitivities, and nutrition needs.

Board certified acupuncture physician uses acupuncture based in western medicine to promote healing, positive body energy & treating illness

Traditional needles or cold lasers hit specific points targeted to release the flow of energy throughout the mind and body.

Twice-daily glasses of herbal-detox drink work with breakfast serving of multiprotein drink to flush 5–20 lbs. of toxins & waste in 5 days

Massages use essential oils to sooth muscles, and healing sessions employ modalities such as reiki or crystal work.

Guests mix-and-match treatments from a suite of ionic footbaths, steam-sauna, and dry-sauna sessions for bodily detoxification.

Andrea Crouch's voice empowers clients to lose weight, change unhealthy habits, manage stress, or excel in the workplace.

Registered nurse alleviates various ailments by placing pressure on specific areas of the feet