All - Alternative Medicine Practitioners Deals

As wraps cocoon patrons, infrared-light therapy works to enhance circulation, burn calories, and soothe sore spots

Initial medical measurements prelude a tailored diet program with weekly check-ins

Colon hydrotherapy and infrared treatments work to encourage health and slim the body

Advanced CT scanner obtains diagnostic images that can show internal warning signs and help patients thwart major disease and illness

Noninvasive procedure uses heat and light to stimulate the breakdown of stored fat while toning the skin

A technician guides a warm stream of water through the body to clear out toxins and built-up waste

Experienced practitioners enlist neurological and orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches

Noninvasive laser treatments whittle away inches from waists, hips, and thighs by shrinking fat cells; no downtime required

Mother-daughter team addresses concerns such as chronic pain or illness with acupuncture and herbal remedies

Ultrasound screening identifies abnormalities in arteries; blood-pressure cuff evaluates blood flow in legs