All - Art Classes Deals

Students craft and color their own blown-glass pumpkins during a two-hour class

Expert artist tutors pupils in basics of freehand drawing and painting with media such as graphite, acrylics, and watercolors

Five-hour courses cover the basics of B&W photography on a 35mm, digital SLR operation, or introductory Adobe Photoshop tools

Instructors lead classes in shaping glass into objects such as paperweights, vases, and shot glasses with hands-on instruction

Veteran photographer demystifies various functions of cameras during a hands-on lesson that involves an outdoor shoot in nearby Antioch Park

Professional photographers teach students how to light and frame images of natural sights or how to manipulate digital images

Artist Teresa White leads beginners through four styles of glass-working workshops, each including materials

Certified knitting instructor Bev Walker helps beginners knit, purl, and hone basic stitches such as garter and stockinette

Kids learn the fundamentals of a strong work of art, such as compositional balance, depth, and perspective

Experienced instructors lead group painting sessions as students sip on wine or beer