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Auto pros clear up cloudy and discolored headlights and rotate tires for even tread wear and a comfortable ride
MECP-certified techs fit rides with Compustar remote-start system, which allows drivers to start engines from up to 1,000 feet away
Headlights go glamorous by donning sturdy stick-on eyelashes with Crystal Eyeliner—an accessory seen in Marie Claire & on CNN
Headlights go glamorous by donning sturdy stick-on eyelashes with Crystal Eyeliner—an accessory seen in Marie Claire & on CNN
Window tint blocks heat and UV rays from interior
Technicians install Canbus HID headlights that boast an output of 3K¬–10K lumens
State inspection confirms that brakes, lights, horns, steering systems, wipers & tires comply with safety standards
Mobile Electronics Certified Professional-certified technicians install remote starters or Chameleon TV headrests
Mobile Electronics Certified Professional–certified technicians install remote starters or Chameleon TV headrests
Techs vacuum & shampoo interior, wax & glaze exterior, or apply tint film that can block 61% of solar energy & almost 100% of UV rays.