All - Coffee & Tea Deals

Children and adults are free to don floppy hats when sipping London teas and munching quiche and scones in Victorian-style tearoom

Tearoom equipped with WiFi and board games welcomes guests looking to unwind with pots of tea and small bites

Loose-leaf tea pairs with finger sandwiches, scones, fresh fruit, and assorted desserts

Responsibly sourced, freshly roasted beans in single-origin or artisan-blend batches

Breakfast and lunch sandwiches, washed down by Carolina sweet tea; café opens at 6 a.m. on weekdays and offers free WiFi

Tea experts pair 6 small plates with oolong, darjeeling, and herbal teas and highlight each brew’s origins, aromas, and pairing suggestions

4 lb. of organic, shade-grown, and fairly traded coffee delivered straight to doorsteps

Single-origin and specialty beans roasted onsite and brewed into espresso or coffee drinks

Locally roasted fair-trade coffee and espressos, locally crafted ice cream, and live performances by local musicians

Lattes and cappuccinos made with fair-trade, organic coffees in shop modeled after a small red caboose