All - Dance Lessons Deals

Easy-to-follow 60-minute Zumba dance fitness classes invigorate students with aerobic salsa, flamenco & hip-hop moves set to rhythm

Renowned professional dancer teaches students how to perform basic steps, turns & patterns during fast-paced salsa dance lessons

Champion dancer & staff impart basic skills in one month of unlimited tango, salsa, ballroom, or swing classes

Expert instructors impart jazz, salsa & hip-hop skills to students of all levels

Experienced instructors specialize in helping adult beginners learn ballroom, salsa, swing & country dance styles in private & group classes

Partners learn basic steps to follow passionate choreography under tutelage of instructor of Argentine-style tango

Dance partners of more than eight years impart Lindy Hop swing steps & spins in weekly classes that finish with open-dance session

Expert instructors guide groups through Argentine tango, swing-, ballroom- & wedding-dance lessons inside historical brick building

Motion maestros teach dozens of classes ranging from Giordano jazz to hip-hop at school founded by jazz-dance legend

Seasoned instructors lead single or coupled dancers through waltz, salsa or foxtrot before they unleash new moves at open-bar dance party