All - Dance Lessons Deals

In a spacious studio, adults absorb African, ballet, and modern techniques in classes held three days a week

Private lessons progress students through Latin- and ballroom-dance techniques before they showcase steps during group classes and parties

Multilingual instructors teach students steps for Latin, ballroom, and social dances in private and group lessons

Experienced instructors teach beginners the basics of swing and other Jazz Age dances in weekly classes held at Tango Cafe's studio

Certified instructors help students to glide through graceful ballroom moves or swivel hips through sensual Latin choreography

Students of all dance abilities learn basic to advanced footwork, turn patterns, and techniques

Experienced instructors teach couples how to ballroom dance through private, group, and practice lessons

Instructors teach both private and group lessons in styles such as swing, salsa, and waltz for beginner–advanced dancers

Former University of Kentucky Dance Cat demystifies the basic steps of ballet, tap, or belly dancing

Instructors lead pairs or singles in 21 styles, including salsa, polka, the country two-step, the mambo, and tango