All - Doctors Deals

Dedicated dentist certified in dermal injections temporarily plumps fine lines & wrinkles with relatively painless shots of Botox

Laser skin-resurfacing treatment decimates damaged collagen and stimulates cell renewal to reduce scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks.

Physician-led med spa reveals healthy skin using lasers that stimulate collagen production and vaporize damaged layers.

Noninvasive Cutera GenesisPlus laser attacks fungal infections without the side effects of oral medications or hassle of topical ointments.

Beauty injections follow complimentary medical consultation and temporarily smooth wrinkles, fine lines, and crow's-feet.

Medical director & nurses deliver personalized medical care in walk-in setting, helping increase metabolism & energy levels

The radio energy of a Syneron ReFirme laser tightens skin as it stimulates the production of collagen.

Medical specialists address wellness with massages, health-score or weight-loss consultations, and five-year weight-loss programs

Over the course of an hour, podiatrist & staff use painless lasers to kill fungus, reduce discoloration & promote healthy nail growth.

Certified professionals work to permanently evict strands from one of 20 of body areas with FDA-approved alexandrite & YAG laser treatments