All - Education Deals

Famous paintings by Van Gogh and Klimt undergo new renderings at the hands of students during laid-back, artist-led sessions

A former secret-service trainer teaches students how to read facial microexpressions and to understand others' true feelings

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Experienced dance instructors help students of all ages & abilities master dances such as salsa, waltz, merengue, swing, and many others

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Professional trader seen on Million Dollar Traders teaches novices to turn profits & design balanced portfolios in five steps.

Professional artists teach classes of up to 60 people how to paint in between sips of wine brought from home

Online course grants internationally recognized certification to teach English as a secondary language