All - Food & Drink Deals
Featured on Food Network's Cupcake Wars, baker Tonnie Rozier hand-crafts flavors such as carrot cake, red velvet & death by chocolate
Elegant arrangements of fresh & chocolate-dipped fruit delivered in mugs & vases to residences & commercial businesses
Pastry chef draws on mother's recipes to craft homemade sweets such as apricot cake & espresso cupcakes.
Boutique bakery crafts fresh sweets daily, along with cupcakes, pies & caramel corn to pair with locally made Italian gelato
Candy maker crafts batches of chocolate and peanut-butter candy using chocolate that meets high marks for consistency, aroma, and flavor
Chefs layer pies bound for home ovens with sauces, cheese & toppings such as salami, olives, herbs & ground beef
Maine-bred crustaceans, mussels & crab cakes delivered to doorsteps ready to cook
Chef featured on Restaurant Impossible pairs signature wines with artisanal cheese and his bottomless knowledge of cultivating grapes.
Organic, raw & all-natural supplements boost bodies, alongside organic & gluten-free fare including pretzel twists & salad dressings
Experienced vino virtuosos guide students through two hours of food & wine pairings amid an elegant atmosphere.