All - Massage Deals
Licensed massage therapists unearth tension with a variety of massage modalities including deep-tissue, trigger-point, and Asian techniques
Full-body Swedish massage and a Steamy Wonder steam treatment help stimulate circulation, expel toxins, and relax muscles
Salt and mud from the Dead Sea help exfoliate and moisturize hands and feet before melted paraffin moisturizes
Licensed therapist draws from Swedish techniques for one-hour massage with muscle-relaxing stretches
Focused massage therapist soothes pain and tension with one of four massage modalities
In a private room with soft music, a licensed therapist uses flowing Swedish strokes with optional essential oils and reflexology
Massages in a variety of modalities soothe achy muscles while improving circulation and encouraging relaxation
Dedicated massage therapist spans sore necks and backs with clinical relaxation-massage techniques designed to purge stress and tension
Therapist approaches each massage uniquely to best relax and soothe each client
Licensed therapist references stress-and-pain review while performing massages tailored to each client's specific sore spots