All - Medical Spas Deals
Facial cleans and exfoliates skin’s surface and massages muscles; glycolic peel removes top layer of skin to prompt production of collagen
Facial and peel slough away the top layer of dead skin to reveal the youthful skin underneath and reduce wrinkles and blemishes
Deft laser techs preempt waxing and shaving with hair removal or noninvasively emulsify fat cells from the waist, hips, and thighs
FDA-approved Lumenis LightSheer laser destroys follicles at the root during 15- to 20-minute sessions; built-in ChillTip protects the skin
FDA-approved laser system works to eradicate unwanted hair by disabling growth at the follicle; noninvasive lasers slim down thighs or hips
FDA-approved laser system works to eradicate unwanted hair by disabling growth at the follicle; noninvasive lasers slim down thighs or hips
Facial peel evens out skin tone and texture; anti-aging facial includes deep cleansing and exfoliation
Lipotropics and B vitamins increase metabolism and encouraging the incineration of fat, helping speed up weight loss
During 30-minute treatments, fine injections deliver solution to veins, causing them to collapse and fade away
Over the course of 15–60 minutes, Dr. Lorrie Vece glides a laser over skin, diminishing existing hair and discouraging future growth