All - Outdoor Pursuits Deals

Simulated prison escape sends runners through undeveloped miles filled with mud, trees & paintball snipers; unlimited drinks include beer

3.1-mile mud run with 20 obstacles stands between runners & after party with live music & costume contest.

Wearing Mud Factor shirts & bandanas, runners face 5K course of hills, muddy pits & dirt paths before celebrating with medals & beer

Lessons present beginning & intermediate students with challenges, which aim to foster their comfort & confidence atop horses

Private lessons illustrate proper riding form at speeds of walk & trot with goal of independent riding after third lesson

Beginning each lesson with grooming & horse care, instructors impart basics of equitation during one-hour private or group sessions.

Certified guides lead wave riders along four-hour scenic tours on Potomac River through Mather Gorge, navigating Class II and III rapids

Guides transport tubers to launch site & provides tubing briefing before clearing groups to float idly down 4-mile river stretch

Seasoned & certified instructors walk students of all levels through ground lesson before taking them into blue skies for half-hour flight

Up to eight campers can split up activities such as zipline tours, paintball games & rock climbing on two-night camping excursion