All - Outdoor Pursuits Deals
Rented blades glide across icy stomping grounds of Grand Rapids Griffins hockey team during family-friendly, open-skate sessions
Guides lead snorkelers on safe, 2.5-hour tours of Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge to cavort with West Indian manatees in warm waters
Certified instructors teach fundamentals in small-group intro or four-hour lesson or provide more tailored experience in private lesson
Veteran skippers welcome 12 tourists onto vessels and guarantee encounters with underwater giants during whale-watching tours
Instructors guide 7- to 8-person rafts on trip over class I–IV rapids on scenic Menominee River, passing bald eagle nesting site
Four-wheel-drive Army-issue Hummers cruise along backcountry trails while guides point out waterfalls, rock formations, flora & fauna
Certified guides create custom outings for small groups of 4–10, traversing rivers & areas such as Wards Gregory Cave System
Range boasts 14 automated stations, tournament-grade tower & carts, with rental equipment available for novice shooters
Panoramic views of mountains, islands & bays surround campgrounds located within 1950s-era homestead next to Kenai Fjords National Park
Experienced guides teach kayaking & fishing basics as pupils plumb Willamette River for salmon, shad & smallmouth bass