All - Outdoor Pursuits Deals
Short & long surfboards & paddleboards dispensed from seaside surf shop located within walking distance of Mission Bay
Equine-engined wagons or sleighs tromp through pine forests and meadows of 3,000-acre ranch as riders sip hot cocoa & nibble cookies
Experienced law-enforcement officials teach students proper firearm-shooting & safety techniques inside facility accessible from Manhattan
Water-powered jetpacks hoist riders up to 30 feet above Maunalua Bay, with guidance from certified instructors & round-trip transportation
Guides help first-time divers maneuver cove & identify local fish, whereas boat tours provide up-close glimpse of sea lions & dolphin pods
Expert staff fine-tunes bows & apprentice archers take to 10-lane, 20-yard course for lessons & practice sessions
1,200 ft. slopes & automatic lift system facilitate speedy descents during two hours of exhilarating tubing
USA Archery–certified bowmen teach private lessons or cart ranges & equipment on location to host private parties of up to 20 kids & adults
Skilled snowshoeing guides, who tout perfect safety records, lead students through National Park for four-hour jaunt with provided shoes
Expert horsewoman Gay Leigh Bingham leads small groups of riders across 1,200 acres of upland & bottomland pastures