All - Outdoor Pursuits Deals

Certified instructors give brief instruction and then help customers launch for tandem flights

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

Certified instructors give brief instruction and then help customers launch for tandem flights

Teams race by city landmarks solving clues and tackling obstacles for a chance at National Championship race in Miami and $6,500 in prizes

Mountaintop destination in the Sierras by Lake Tahoe with roller skating, swimming, disc golf, and tennis all reached by aerial tram

American Association team takes on foes from across the league, including the 2009 league champion Lincoln Saltdogs

After 30-minute ground briefing, skydivers ascend to at least 10,000 ft. & jump while strapped to pros, reaching speeds of up to 120 mph

Stations placed throughout looping 5K track lob clouds of colored cornstarch to transform runners' outfits from white to rainbow

An instructor imparts the control, finesse, and physics required to ride waves propelled by the wind filling an attached kite

Six ziplines stretching up to 3,400 feet in length overlook the scenic Smoky Mountains and 1,600 types of flowering plants