All - Paintball Deals

Outdoor field with natural and constructed obstacles; pro shop and picnic area onsite

Lasers zap zombies during a gory shooting game, a haunted hayride drives past eerie scenes, and the Crazy Castle hides adult-caliber scares

Combatants wage a paintball war during a zombie-themed event; passes include admission and equipment rental on a return visit

30 acres of paintball fields overseen by trained referees

Participants blast opponents with Tippmann 98 paintball gun during indoor, refereed contests held inside 12,000-square-foot facility

Outdoor arenas with trees, barrels, bunkers and inflatable obstacles host games complete with protective gear and 500 paintballs per person

Outdoor arenas with trees, barrels, bunkers and inflatable obstacles host games complete with protective gear and 500 paintballs per person

All-day admission for games of speedball, woods play, and simulated urban warfare on more than 85 acres of wooded terrain

Referees match players by skill level and set up matches across six outdoor fields with buildings, inflatable cover, and natural terrain

6 acres of open fields and wooden bunkers set the stage for dynamic games of capture the flag