All - Paintball Deals

Paintballers with masks, markers, and C02 navigate an outdoor field filled with inflatable obstacles for an adrenaline-fueled face-off

25,000 sq. ft. of paintball includes two indoor fields with artificial turf for PSP and urban battles

Players pelt each other on 12,000-square-foot indoor battleground modeled after Call of Duty 2's Wasteland map

Woods, grassy fields, and castles host fast-paced capture the flag and elimination scenarios

Five outdoor fields host players clad in protective goggles, who fire 200 paintballs from semiautomatic markers during all-day bouts

Referees split players into two teams and rotate them throughout 13 outdoor fields

25,000 sq. ft. indoor-paintball arena; speedball obstacles and inflatable bunkers

Experienced referees oversee games on 5-acre, woodland-style field

Paintballers compete in 2-acre arena with 500 paintballs, marker rental, unlimited air, goggles, and mask, among other equipment

Players traverse a diverse course, attempting to splatter paint on others while remaining paint-free in all-out battle