All - Photography Deals

Students bring digital cameras to workshops that cover aperture, depth of field, composition & shutter speed before photo safari in park

Students bring digital cameras to workshops that cover aperture, depth of field, composition & shutter speed before photo safari in park

Students bring digital cameras to workshops that cover aperture, depth of field, composition & shutter speed before photo safari in park

Photographers experienced in small-business photography capture digital headshot or full-body shot ready for use on social-media platforms.

Photographers capture digital images on choice of background & share them with subjects who receive 40% off additional purchases

Interactive workshop explores how to adjust shutter speed & aperture, compose shots & upload digital images

AV equipment is shipped to doorsteps, allowing patrons to transfer cassettes, tapes & 8-tracks to modern MP3 & DVD format via computer

Photo booth equipped with flashing LED lights, iPad displays & external monitors snaps unlimited shots of 6–8 prop-adorned pals at once

Themed photography tours teach composition & design as participants snap shots of nature, monuments & artwork on any camera

Easy-to-use application personalizes snapshots, preserving them in laminated & leather-bound photo books, calendars, cards & collage posters