All - Podiatrists Deals

Supervised staff uses laser system to eliminate pathogens bunkered beneath toenails without damaging nail beds

Supervised staff uses laser system to eliminate pathogens bunkered beneath toenails without damaging nail beds.

Dr. Sheehy fights nail-bed fungus with three laser treatments, allowing pristine nails to grow in at their natural rate

Podiatrists administer series of three laser treatments, which fry fungal growth & allow clean nails to naturally grow in

Team of foot specialists targets fungus beneath nails with light & heat from Cutera GenesisPlus laser during 30-minute treatments

During 30-minute session, doctors use surgical blade to painlessly shave off hard outer layers of skin, then use buffer to leave feet smooth

Compact laser system banishes painful fungi from under nail surfaces and promotes new nail growth with targeted heat energy.

Non-invasive CoolBreeze laser vaporizes fungal cells & preserves tissue & skin during 15- to 60-minute treatment with no downtime.

Lasers traverse nails for 10 minutes per foot, killing offending fungi and stopping additional growth.

Laser light penetrates nail beds, reducing the presence of fungus in up to 35 minutes.