All - Professional Services Deals
Hands-on digital-photography class bolsters technical and artistic skills in beginner and intermediate shutterbugs
Two photographers cover on-location sessions in tandem, then retouch the best images from hundreds of choices
Weekly shopping lists showcase flavorful, healthful recipes customized by store, diet, and price
Web-based design tools let users customize cards, calendars, mugs, and T-shirts with personalized text and images
Photographers snap frames of smiling faces against the historic indoor backdrops of their studio or its scenic outdoor settings
On-location shoots allow subjects to pose naturally in parks and other scenic locales, yielding organic-looking snapshots
30- to 60-minute on-location photo shoot captures relaxed poses of families, seniors, or newborns in color or black and white
Web-based design tools let users customize cards, calendars, mugs, and T-shirts with personalized text and images
Donations help to provide four days’ worth of hay for 64 rescued farm animals, including horses, burros, llamas, sheep, and pigs
Donations cover medical bills for a woman who has experienced stillbirth; those who make a $70 donation receive tickets to a benefit event