All - Professional Services Deals
Drivers pick up and dispose of goods for three months
Gallery-wrapped canvas immortalizes analog or digital image on 1.5-inch-thick creation that can be hung without frame
Professional technicians digitize 8mm and super 8mm film reels, preserving delicate footage for the long haul
Clients upload own photos and receive a glossy poster print or a gallery-wrapped canvas print on 1/2 in. stretchers
Time-saving services ranging from errand running to housekeeping and organizing
Photo shoots arranged in favorite parks or urban backdrops, enhanced with professional makeup application and commemorated with prints
Donations help fund water-quality tests that evaluate Hangman Creek and the Spokane River to determine a course for rehabilitative action
Experienced techs repair computers on-site, configure networks, or install software and hardware
Donations help fund classical-ballet lessons to teach one student the fundamentals in a school designed for youth from low-income families
Classic to contemporary designs; livable and blended with the client’s personal taste