All - Professional Services Deals
After a one-hour photo shoot, clients peruse proofs online before selecting images and receive one 8"x10" print and a digital copy.
Studios tucked inside Walmarts across the United States snap pictures before enhancing them and printing them in multiple sizes.
Donations to help purchase new jeans for children living in foster care
Donations fund lodging, food, and transportation for one young volunteer completing a service project in Mexico
Donations help fund a trip to The Tech Museum for youth who donated 1,500 hours of their time over the summer
Donations to launch an Oakland branch of an apprenticeship program geared toward helping underserved youth succeed in school and beyond
Studios tucked inside Walmarts across the United States snap pictures before enhancing them and printing them in multiple sizes.
Donations fund a workshop that offers an opportunity for homeless youth to create written- or spoken-word poetry with help from a guest poet
Studios tucked inside Walmarts across the United States snap pictures before enhancing them and printing them in multiple sizes.
Three- and eight-hour rentals include unlimited 4"x6" prints, fun props, a photo album for guest signatures, and a CD of all photos