All - Professional Services Deals
Give-A-tree cards show appreciation by planting trees while coffee-club membership delivers shade-grown coffee and rainforest mug.
Drivers pick up bagged clothes for dry cleaning & deliver spotless vestments to homes or businesses
Donations fund field trips where students learn about Lake Michigan's ecology through bird watching, fishing, and hiking paired with lessons
Donations support the training of volunteers who will monitor pollution sites to clear trash sources and ensure clean water for citizens.
Donations support community gardens in underserved areas of city, providing access to fresh produce & enjoyable exercise
Donations support urban farm with purchase of weather-resistant composting bins that recycle food waste into organic fertilizer
Donations support Riverside Drive restoration project by purchasing trees to plant alongside poppies and other landscaping
Donations support maintenance of 50 community garden plots for this year's growing season by assisting with expenses of watering & seeds
Organization will plant fruit trees in an urban forest to provide fresh fruits for local residents as part of a larger restoration project
Donations support summer camp where elementary students learn about science at LEED-certified center surrounded by trails & ponds