All - Professional Services Deals

Donations provide a new wardrobe of five work-appropriate outfits and hygiene items for four people working toward financial independence

Donations provide furniture packages for individuals transitioning from homelessness into permanent housing

Donations to provide a beach vacation to help a veteran reconnect with his or her family after returning home from deployment

Web-based design tools let users customize cards, calendars, mugs, and T-shirts with personalized text and images

Web-based design tools let users customize cards, calendars, mugs, and T-shirts with personalized text and images

Web-based design tools let users customize cards, calendars, mugs, and T-shirts with personalized text and images

An in-studio photo shoot with online proofing and fully retouched digital images

Florists design bouquets and gourmet gift baskets for all occasions, including birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries

One-year membership for two to fill seats at shows, concerts, and sporting events that have not sold out

Photo shoots in-studio or on-location for individuals or groups with three prints, eight wallets, and a Facebook image of a favorite pose