All - Specialty Schools Deals

Instructors help students earn real estate licenses through self-study online or in-person courses with included textbooks

Course that can be completed in 12 hours helps users tap into Excel’s business-boosting potential via online exercises, videos & final test

Personalized online interface provides language lessons with 20+ different tools to improve vocabulary, pronunciation & grammar

Owner leads one-hour treks down scenic trails, while imparting riding wisdom

Experienced law-enforcement officials teach students proper firearm shooting & safety techniques at facilities accessible from Manhattan

Attain a scuba-diving certificate upon completion of class work and dives or earn a Nitrox card after class work and a 50-question exam

Industry-savvy writers craft resumés, cover letters, and polite follow-up missives to help job seekers get noticed.

Industry-savvy writers craft resumés, cover letters, and polite follow-up missives to help job seekers get noticed.

Course that can be completed in 12 hours helps users tap into Excel’s business-boosting potential via online exercises, videos & final test

Three two-hour group language lessons include tastings of traditional Italian cuisine & six semiprivate sessions hone conversational skills