All - Swimming Lessons Deals

Certified instructors prep students for open-water dives with classroom & pool sessions during SSI-dive-certification courses

Experienced wave-riders teach surfing fundamentals such as paddling, body placement & foot positioning in calm ocean waters

Instructors teach basic skills & freestyle, backstroke & breaststroke to students ages 3 months & up in 30-minute small group lessons

Instructors teach basic skills & freestyle, backstroke & breaststroke to students ages 3 months & up in 30-minute small group lessons

Award-winning instructors tailor classes for all ages including semi-private lessons for youngsters & Parent & Me classes for tots

Diving & spearfishing experts instill students with safety protocol, rescue techniques & basic procedures in classroom & pool sessions

Eight levels of swim classes led by highly trained instructors teach up to four students skills ranging from water safety to stroke mastery

Beginner class prepares students for open-water certification recognized by many major diving organizations

Engaging instructor leads students ranging in age from infancy to adult through individual tutorials centered on lifesaving aquatic skills

Freestyle, backstroke & breaststroke taught by dedicated instructors to students aged 3 months & up