All - Waxing Deals
Skilled estheticians use high-quality soft wax to remove unwanted hair from bikini line during 10- to 15-minute sessions
Double-stranded threads remove unwanted hair quickly to leave precise & neat-looking eyebrows for defined arch
Aestheticians spread exfoliating sea salt over disrobed body to energize skin & slough away deadened cells
Cotton thread pulls stray hairs from root to shape brows & waxing sessions hygienically swipe strands from limbs, bikini zones & hands
Aestheticians perform Brazilians in as few as 15 minutes using strip or hard wax plus Relax & Wax No Scream Cream
Aesthetician deftly uproots fuzz from bikini area with warm wax & gentle touch in historic Del Ray building
Deep cleansing, exfoliation & massage soothe faces during European facial with thorough back cleansing or beautifying microdermabrasion
Aestheticians use wax to rid female pelvic regions of all unwanted hair in about 20 minutes
Waxing-centric spa specializing in head-to-toe hair removal with fast & professional waxing services, including face & full-body work
Licensed cosmetologist gently clears fuzzy strips or removes all bristle with natural wax selected to suit each woman's skin & hair type