All - Weight Loss Centers Deals

In each 35-minute session, a technician targets pockets of stubborn fat or cellulite with ultrasonic waves and firms skin with energy

Six silicone blankets surround your fully-clothed body, infusing it with infrared heat, which boosts circulation and detoxification

Noninvasive treatments use a Fotona Nd:YAG laser system to banish unwanted stubble from one of more than 20 available treatment areas

The noninvasive, FDA-approved treatment slims the waistline, hips, and thighs during a 40-minute session that requires little downtime

Doctors impart tips for healthy living and beam cold-laser light into cells to spur breakdown of fats with no surgery or downtime

Noninvasive treatments employ ultrasonic waves to reduce fat in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms

Physician-supervised weight-loss program with a consultation to set goals and a plan outlining low-calorie meals

Doctors impart tips for healthy living and beam cold-laser light into cells to spur breakdown of fats with no surgery or downtime

Injections of B vitamins and lipotropic amino acids help dieters to reach weight-loss goals with a boost of energy

FDA-approved noninvasive Lapex BCS LipoLasers warm tissue, boost circulation, flush out fatty acids, and slim physiques